Bible Almanac

Exegesis ( 聖經研究 )  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Explore the biblical world with this compilation of interesting and unusual Bible-based information. Discover the importance of the people and places described in Scripture. Learn the history of the Old and New Testaments. Filled with answers to hundreds of questions about religious concepts and beliefs, this book will guide you through the amazing spiritual and historical context of the Bible. 
1. The story of the Bible -- The old testament -- How the old testament was put together -- Other ancient versions of the old tem -- The New Testament -- How the New Testament books were collected -- Translating the scriptures -- Ancient versions of the Bible -- Middle Ages: English translations -- Before the reformation -- Printing, Gutenberg, and the reformation -- Major modern English versions -- Jewish translations -- The work of Bible translators -- Opening up the Bible -- Events in the Bible -- Major milestones in the Bible -- Events from Abraham to Moses -- Events from Moses to Sail -- Events from the exile to the return -- Events between the testaments -- Events during the life of Christ -- Events during the ministry of the apostles -- 100 important events in the Bible -- Popular biblical events -- The language and literature of the Bible -- Archaeology and the Bible -- Important discoveries and the world of the Bile -- The scribes -- Readers and writers -- Written languages of Bible lands -- The Bible: a library of books -- The Pentateuch -- Old Testament history -- The wisdom books -- Books of poetry -- The prophetic books -- New Testament history -- The letters -- Apocalyptic literature -- Significant Bible themes -- Popular Bible verses -- Writing styles of the Bible -- Fascinating facts from aleph to taw -- Fun facts from Genesis to Revelation -- 20 important chapters -- Authors of the books of the Bible -- Numbers: signs and symbols in the Bible -- Popular Bible phrases -- It's not in the Bible -- Bible trivia -- The land of the Bible -- Geography of the region -- Rainfall and climate -- Bible plans -- Bible trees -- Bible animals and birds -- Water: a scarce resource -- Minerals -- Fisheries -- Roads and highways -- A look at the land: then and now -- Bible geography: 20 fascinating facts -- The everyday world of the Bible -- People at home -- Tent dwellings -- The courtyard house -- Brick homes -- The four-roomed house -- New Testament homes -- How houses were built -- Homes of the poor -- Furnishings -- Comfort at home -- Food and drink -- Birth -- Growing up -- 20 famous Bible couples -- Marriage -- Death and burial -- Families: the struggle to survive -- Making and caring for clothes -- What people wore -- Men's clothing -- Women's clothing -- Amulets and phylacteries -- The village -- Towns and cities -- Working life -- Farmers, shepherds, and fishermen -- The work of women -- Sickness and health -- Diseases and disabilities mentioned in the Bible -- Ten quick "medical" cures -- Justice and the law -- Trade and commerce -- Weights, measures, and money -- Getting around in Bible times -- Warfare, weapons, and warriors -- Principles of warfare among the Israelites -- War during Bible times -- Games, sports, music, and dancing -- Everyday life in the Bible -- Religion and worship in the Bible -- Israel at worship in the Old Testament -- First glimpses of God -- The collection of law -- Worship during the time of Moses -- The tabernacle -- The age of the kings -- The prophets -- Lessons learned during the exile -- The work of priests -- What the priests wore.

Sacrifices and their purpose -- Types of sacrifices -- Festivals -- Fasts -- Music and worship -- Religion between the testaments -- Jewish religion in the New Testament -- Jewish worship in the synagogue -- Jewish religion and everyday life -- Herod's temple -- The life and message of Jesus -- The teaching of Jesus -- Christian worship in New Testament times -- The young church -- The religious beliefs of other groups in Bible times -- Trade and industry in the Bible -- The beginnings of trade -- Items of trade -- The growth of industry in the Bible -- The clothing trade -- The potteries -- Metalworking -- The building trades -- Woodworking -- Boat building -- Jewelry making -- Trade, industry, and crafts -- The people of the Bible -- People you should know -- Who's who from Abel to Zerubbabel -- Clans, people groups, and nations -- Ideas and beliefs of the Bible -- Angels -- Apostles -- Ascension -- Baptism -- Body -- Church -- Covenant -- Creation -- Cross -- Faith -- The fall -- Forgiveness -- Gospel -- Grace -- Healing -- Heaven -- Hell -- Judgment -- Justification -- Kingdom of God -- The law -- Life -- Love -- Mercy -- Miracles -- Parables -- Peace -- Prayer -- Prophecy -- Redemption -- Repentance -- Resurrection -- Revelation -- Salvation -- Second coming of Christ -- Sin -- Soul -- Suffering -- Temptation -- Worship -- Bible questions and answers -- About the Bible -- From Genesis to Malachi -- Ancient Bible trivia -- From Matthew to Revelation -- New Testament names and terms -- New Testament trivia. 
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